Per i primi soccorritori, insegnanti, veterani militari, nonni e amp; le loro famiglie.
Hai risposto alle nostre chiamate e ora siamo al tuo servizio. Grazie per sostenere i cittadini con bisogni speciali.
Festival of Autism is a multi-day event, designed for first responders, grandparents, teachers, and military veterans, who have supported collaborative connections within the general autistic community. The event is organized by Atlanta-based nonprofit House of Artists Foundation, now in its eighth year of Camp Artism. Camp Artism addresses various challenges and aspects of working, living and succeeding with autism. Here is an article from VA Atlanta, https://www.va.gov/atlanta-health-care/stories/house-of-artist-foundation-partners-with-atlanta-va/.
Festival of Autism focuses on a keystone of these achievements: Working with first responders to understand each other's needs in times of emergency and public safety. We train both sides to communicate effectively. Festival of Autism celebrates and propels this culture of success.
Esperienze di tregua gratuite nel golf, visite alle terme, arti culinarie, lancio di asce, macchine da soldi, case gonfiabili, vasche per schiacciate e altro ancora. Di più! Tutto per dire GRAZIE per quello che fate!

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